There ain't no time to waste!
'N Sync was cool enough to use bad grammar. Unfortunately, I am not.
Page 452 of the hopeful joke that is the Jack Thompson situation has been written. Recently, CNN decided to give the Miami-based lawyer some air time during which he found a new game to waste his/our time on, Blitz: the Leauge. As the first sports game in the list of Thompson's victim, Blitz has recieved good reviews so far, but I have unfortunately yet to play it myself. J-Thomp had this to say:
"The NFL wouldn't allow it's name to be used, so that tells you something."
Um. Yeah. About that, Jack. This is a fib that ranks up there amongst the ones GW Bush makes day in and day out. Jack knows that EA has the NFL liscence, making it impossible for any NFL game without the Electronic Arts tag on its package. Then he called the cops on Penny Arcade.Gamers, stand up. This dude has to be stopped before he brainwashes enough to actually accomplish something other than pathetic cries for attention.

There. My "Picture of Dumbasses" quota is filled.
New article.
I know I promised you some comics, but after some self-relecting I decided to hold back on producing the cartoons. (that made it seem like you actually wanted them...) I need to find my style before putting anything on the web. Luckily, experimentation has been taking place. Hopefully there will be some sort of artwork on JHF before Christmas.
Bill O'Reiley just finished his interview on the Daily Show. Its content contained France-supporting and John Stewart compairing the current state of International Relations to the Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show.
Disney sent me a survey asking questions about my experience in the Virtual Magic Kingdom. After some immature giggling, I filled out the questionare. Here's the only notable event:
Which words or phrases do you think describe Disneyland and Walt Disney World?
(Please select all that apply)
For someone like me
Other (fill in your own): ________.
Oh, what to type? Just to be nice, I chose "Restricting", instead of "A gigantic waste of time, but still addicting and a little gross, too."
EA is making a 3D-football management simulation entiled "NFL Head Coach". *sigh. I really want photoshop. I really do.
But there are random things such as vikings and killer-water-bottles to be drawn in various drawing styles. Thanks for your time and have a powerful week!
Page 452 of the hopeful joke that is the Jack Thompson situation has been written. Recently, CNN decided to give the Miami-based lawyer some air time during which he found a new game to waste his/our time on, Blitz: the Leauge. As the first sports game in the list of Thompson's victim, Blitz has recieved good reviews so far, but I have unfortunately yet to play it myself. J-Thomp had this to say:
"The NFL wouldn't allow it's name to be used, so that tells you something."
Um. Yeah. About that, Jack. This is a fib that ranks up there amongst the ones GW Bush makes day in and day out. Jack knows that EA has the NFL liscence, making it impossible for any NFL game without the Electronic Arts tag on its package. Then he called the cops on Penny Arcade.Gamers, stand up. This dude has to be stopped before he brainwashes enough to actually accomplish something other than pathetic cries for attention.

There. My "Picture of Dumbasses" quota is filled.

New article.
I know I promised you some comics, but after some self-relecting I decided to hold back on producing the cartoons. (that made it seem like you actually wanted them...) I need to find my style before putting anything on the web. Luckily, experimentation has been taking place. Hopefully there will be some sort of artwork on JHF before Christmas.
Bill O'Reiley just finished his interview on the Daily Show. Its content contained France-supporting and John Stewart compairing the current state of International Relations to the Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show.
Disney sent me a survey asking questions about my experience in the Virtual Magic Kingdom. After some immature giggling, I filled out the questionare. Here's the only notable event:
Which words or phrases do you think describe Disneyland and Walt Disney World?
(Please select all that apply)
For someone like me
Other (fill in your own): ________.
Oh, what to type? Just to be nice, I chose "Restricting", instead of "A gigantic waste of time, but still addicting and a little gross, too."
EA is making a 3D-football management simulation entiled "NFL Head Coach". *sigh. I really want photoshop. I really do.
But there are random things such as vikings and killer-water-bottles to be drawn in various drawing styles. Thanks for your time and have a powerful week!
Brettzki, you are one of my favorite ranters.
You should consider taking Web Page design in school if they still have it. I think you would really enjoy it, Dreamweaver is the shit.
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