Bungee walking by moonlight
As of three months ago, today's post was going to discribe my magical weekend of outdoor sleep, meeting cool passionable people like myself and, most importantly, the unique allure of the Nintendo Wii.
I've been looking forward to November 19th for seemingly forever. If you dare to view the earliest of my early blog archives, you'll actually find a embarssingly undetailed report giving the low-down on the former Revolution and its then-newly-reveiled controller, along with the mild-controversy surrounding it (keep in mind that the PS3 was almost 100% speculation at the time). The Revolution was dubbed 'Wii' sometime that spring.
Between then and now I've:
1. Come to terms with my Nintendo Fanboydom
2. Gotten a job for the sole purpose of buying the Wii at its launch date
3. Grown 0'0"
4. Yet to improve 1337ness of any sort, really.
November 19th was the holy day of Wii. My personal numberical countdown was started as screenshots and other media of launch titles began to pour out, and how sweet the pixel-juice was! Twilight Princess, Red Steel, even motherfucking Happy Feet looked amazing as the albino nunchaku began to break down walls and attract followers as if they were Transition Metals.
I wrote poetry. I drew pictures. I stayed up past my bedtime to find the current info on the little rectangular prism that could. Pumped was I for I was pumped.
But excitement is petty swagger without organization, which was uncharacteristicly a nonproblem for my endeavours. Asides from one large miscue (missed the reservation date), I was totally informed of the local situation regarding the sequently available video game console extravaganza. The options were weighed as my two partners in my Wii quest (who have remained unmentioned for some reason) aided my decision that resembles a father selecting national parks for a family vacation.
After a period of inactivity, a bright idea stumbled upon my noggin: talk to the workplace (a minor-league department store) about the possibility of ordering and holding a trio of Wiis for a trio of cool cats. I was given a basically confident "We'll see" from the electronic guru; no specifics were told but the message was fairly evident.
The other two would eventually drop out of contention due to financial matters (IE: they didn't have enough money), I was going Godsmack in this battle.
time flies by sort of
My brother and a close friend told me of a possible roadtrip to go see my older sister; a journey that usually involves rushed fun and hours of pavement and prairie.
I don't see her enough; of course I'll go with. One problem: which weekend will this take place? November 17-19th.
Shit. Family or Wii? Both for 100, Alex.

Who says I cannot camp out with my sister? It works out, see, because the nearest hotspot of consumer goods is 30 minutes away in North Dakota. North Dakota happens to have a truely dated law that says no business shall be open before noon on Sundays. My sister (who has a name) goes to college in Minnesota, where no such rule is enforced, meaning a whole half-day of enjoyment with Nintendo's latest. Arrangements were made and remade and preremade but either way, it was all set up for the most part.
Fade to last Thursday, right smackdab in the embellished Playstation 3 scandal. The odds were stacked against anyone without a tent and 6-day strong BO. I feared that the same fate would fall upon casual Wii-campers (if there is such a thing) for my pary would not be able to set up a temporary living areauntil about 5'o clock on Saturday night, thanks to the NCAA of all things. The line could be overwelmingly long by then, in fact, it was logical that any premature effort would be futile.
We had to try though. The Wii only launches once, right? Right?
2 b cuntinud...
Chickens of litter,
Brett w/ handles
I've been looking forward to November 19th for seemingly forever. If you dare to view the earliest of my early blog archives, you'll actually find a embarssingly undetailed report giving the low-down on the former Revolution and its then-newly-reveiled controller, along with the mild-controversy surrounding it (keep in mind that the PS3 was almost 100% speculation at the time). The Revolution was dubbed 'Wii' sometime that spring.
Between then and now I've:
1. Come to terms with my Nintendo Fanboydom
2. Gotten a job for the sole purpose of buying the Wii at its launch date
3. Grown 0'0"
4. Yet to improve 1337ness of any sort, really.
November 19th was the holy day of Wii. My personal numberical countdown was started as screenshots and other media of launch titles began to pour out, and how sweet the pixel-juice was! Twilight Princess, Red Steel, even motherfucking Happy Feet looked amazing as the albino nunchaku began to break down walls and attract followers as if they were Transition Metals.
I wrote poetry. I drew pictures. I stayed up past my bedtime to find the current info on the little rectangular prism that could. Pumped was I for I was pumped.
But excitement is petty swagger without organization, which was uncharacteristicly a nonproblem for my endeavours. Asides from one large miscue (missed the reservation date), I was totally informed of the local situation regarding the sequently available video game console extravaganza. The options were weighed as my two partners in my Wii quest (who have remained unmentioned for some reason) aided my decision that resembles a father selecting national parks for a family vacation.
After a period of inactivity, a bright idea stumbled upon my noggin: talk to the workplace (a minor-league department store) about the possibility of ordering and holding a trio of Wiis for a trio of cool cats. I was given a basically confident "We'll see" from the electronic guru; no specifics were told but the message was fairly evident.
The other two would eventually drop out of contention due to financial matters (IE: they didn't have enough money), I was going Godsmack in this battle.
time flies by sort of
My brother and a close friend told me of a possible roadtrip to go see my older sister; a journey that usually involves rushed fun and hours of pavement and prairie.
I don't see her enough; of course I'll go with. One problem: which weekend will this take place? November 17-19th.
Shit. Family or Wii? Both for 100, Alex.

Who says I cannot camp out with my sister? It works out, see, because the nearest hotspot of consumer goods is 30 minutes away in North Dakota. North Dakota happens to have a truely dated law that says no business shall be open before noon on Sundays. My sister (who has a name) goes to college in Minnesota, where no such rule is enforced, meaning a whole half-day of enjoyment with Nintendo's latest. Arrangements were made and remade and preremade but either way, it was all set up for the most part.
Fade to last Thursday, right smackdab in the embellished Playstation 3 scandal. The odds were stacked against anyone without a tent and 6-day strong BO. I feared that the same fate would fall upon casual Wii-campers (if there is such a thing) for my pary would not be able to set up a temporary living areauntil about 5'o clock on Saturday night, thanks to the NCAA of all things. The line could be overwelmingly long by then, in fact, it was logical that any premature effort would be futile.
We had to try though. The Wii only launches once, right? Right?
2 b cuntinud...
Chickens of litter,
Brett w/ handles
My name is Micheal J. Caboose and I hate babies!
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