Thursday, November 30, 2006

Jointed martyrdom

This lady bought came to Pamida the other evening and bought a fresh silver PS2. Evidentally, she was reluctant to purchase the console, for her bitching at the checkout was nonstop and illogical. One of her children wanted a Playstation 2 for Christmas, which is an honorable request. The system, with its big and exclusive brother "available" has dropped in price yet still has decent titles being added to the already immersive library. The mother would have none of it, however, exclaiming "I can't believe I gave in!" and minute variations of the statement, each more repetative than the last. Her final comment was:

"He has a Gameboy Advanced! He has like 4 of them, and they're portable! I don't see why he needs this (points to PS2) when he can bring the others whereever he goes! Why should I have to fork over two hundred dollars for this?! I shouldn't have given in, why didn't I say no?"

Well, here is you answer, ma'am, to all your naive and enraged questions:

1. It's called the Gameboy Advance, you know, the present-tense form. It's fine, we all say certain words in correctly. Personally, I've always pronounced deity "Di-et-tee" rather than "dee-it-ee", and that little error leads to some humerous caroling!

2. If owning a GBA automatically makes a PS2 wish greedy and questionable, then why do you buy him sweatshirts? He's got a polo, why does he need long sleeves!

3. The PS2 was actually on sale for about $125. That's actually 5/8 of the price you said it was. Unless it's going to cost $75 to ship the console to your son, who may or may not live far away, your checking account won't be injured that badly, so you can either put it back or hush your complaining to an inaudible squeal.

At the time of her little tantrum, I zoned out and nodded at basically everything she said, disagreeing with every thought that she annoying threw at me.

In short: sleep is like pizza sauce. You think that it's not that imporant to the anatomy of the pie itself, yet once you try a sauceless pizza, you realize you were wrong.

You sensor bar looks delicious,
Brett in E-Flat Major


Blogger Manda said...

Sleeves r 4 loozers.

10:16 PM  

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