You're not the only one.
I've got a funny feeling, like we're all born to lose. But you know what? There's life that deserves to be lived.
When I tell people about JHF, they usually answer:
"You have a website? WTF/Sweet!"
When they actually visit JHF, they usually comment:
"Brett, that was a fantastic/gay site, you are funny/retarded."
Then I get the people who flooded my guestbook, leaving trails of "Packers suck" and "Hi." in their virtual paths. This isn't full-blown spam, but it might as well be. This is the reason I took down the guestbook.
It took me a while to figure out why my friends/enemies surprised to find I had my very own website, when it was so simple for anyone to get one for themself. Most teenager-sites on the web are llama droppings (crappy, but you don't see them very much). I've never considered JHF a normal "teen page", but maybe I should. My hits counter will reach 300 in the next week or so, if it already hasn't. I started JHF in June (formating) and July (first article), so that makes it about 4 to 5 months old. 300/4=75. Seventy-five viewers a month? I can assure you I emmensley appreciate ever single reader I get, but there's a whole world out on the Internet that's in reachable distance. Out of those 300 visitors, I'm guessing half are me, previewing or testing site updates, and another 100 or so are my friends, checking JHF as if it was some sort of personal blog. This is, of course, a pure estimate. There's really no way for me to tell whether my thoughts are correct or not.
This makes me wonder if my writing is as good as I think it is, if this site is worth maintaining or not. The answer to that is definately "Yes". I would say that I am not a quitter, but that would be a boldfaced lie. JHF will survive as long as I feel compelled to please others.
What's ahead for JHF:
-New Domain Name
-More comics
-Current Event Articles
The eraser sits,
Waiting for its chance to shine,
Its chance to destroy.
Here's a basic checklist of material I need to achieve that:
-$10 a month
-Drawing pen/Artistic Skill
-Digital camera
-Scanner that actually works
-More free time
I'll do my part if you do yours. Here's what you can expect in the near future:
-Thanksgiving Article/Comic
-A movie review...sometime
-Another About Page.

Which PA character are you?
The power of Christ compells you,
Brettzki on November 9th.
When I tell people about JHF, they usually answer:
"You have a website? WTF/Sweet!"
When they actually visit JHF, they usually comment:
"Brett, that was a fantastic/gay site, you are funny/retarded."
Then I get the people who flooded my guestbook, leaving trails of "Packers suck" and "Hi." in their virtual paths. This isn't full-blown spam, but it might as well be. This is the reason I took down the guestbook.
It took me a while to figure out why my friends/enemies surprised to find I had my very own website, when it was so simple for anyone to get one for themself. Most teenager-sites on the web are llama droppings (crappy, but you don't see them very much). I've never considered JHF a normal "teen page", but maybe I should. My hits counter will reach 300 in the next week or so, if it already hasn't. I started JHF in June (formating) and July (first article), so that makes it about 4 to 5 months old. 300/4=75. Seventy-five viewers a month? I can assure you I emmensley appreciate ever single reader I get, but there's a whole world out on the Internet that's in reachable distance. Out of those 300 visitors, I'm guessing half are me, previewing or testing site updates, and another 100 or so are my friends, checking JHF as if it was some sort of personal blog. This is, of course, a pure estimate. There's really no way for me to tell whether my thoughts are correct or not.
This makes me wonder if my writing is as good as I think it is, if this site is worth maintaining or not. The answer to that is definately "Yes". I would say that I am not a quitter, but that would be a boldfaced lie. JHF will survive as long as I feel compelled to please others.
What's ahead for JHF:
-New Domain Name
-More comics
-Current Event Articles
The eraser sits,
Waiting for its chance to shine,
Its chance to destroy.
Here's a basic checklist of material I need to achieve that:
-$10 a month
-Drawing pen/Artistic Skill
-Digital camera
-Scanner that actually works
-More free time
I'll do my part if you do yours. Here's what you can expect in the near future:
-Thanksgiving Article/Comic
-A movie review...sometime
-Another About Page.

Which PA character are you?
The power of Christ compells you,
Brettzki on November 9th.
You should get a webcam. Nothing says personal website than camwhoredom.
Woo woo!! Hooray for expansion! Watch out corporate America, here comes JHF, bitches!!
I *heart* JHF...
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