Sunday, December 03, 2006

Beast of laughter

A thin segment divides cruelty and necessity, two judgements that are only distinguishable by title and approval rating. Situational and inconsistent, the public often serves as the higher authority when dubbing the moral quality of actions, whether or not that's a good thing is determined by opinions, much like the discretion between cruelty and necessity.

I need to read more. For shizz.

On the topic of 2004 Olympic controversies, Paul Hamm, the male gymnist and (un)rightful gold medalist, is still muscular and his voice remains weakly high-pitched.

He was also on television this weekend, but not for anything related to the Greek Competitions or American cheaters, as all would expect. No, he was actually attempting to become only the second Ninja Warrior champion.

Ninja Warrior is a very Japanese program that takes specific qualities of American Gladiators, Old School and Enter the Dragon and throws it all into a seemingly illogical blender, only to produce a hyped obstacle-course competition.

To truly earn the status of Ninja Warrior, one must conquer the challenges of 4 sepeate and increasingly difficult strength/endurance tests, each with simple premises and tough conclusions.

Basically, it's a chance for athletic skinny dudes to showcase their talents and climb dangerously high monkey bars.

Entertaining, to say the least.

Paul's twin, Morgan (not Webb) Hamm, also tried his luck on the show.

Check it out!

In all respect, it's good to have lookalike siblings representing the nation, especially in a matter of sure body-power. Body-power?

Hit the books, me.

The things she eats are swallowing,
Brettiminium (pronounced Bre-tea-min-ee-oom)


Blogger Manda said...

Wow. Morgan Hamm... American Ninja?

8:34 PM  

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