Brettzki... religiously anticipating...
Kingdom Hearts II. Every person ever has a guilty pleasure, and for me it's causing myself pain, but if it wasn't that, then a video game where you play alongside and against wholesome Disney characters in epic and probably climatic battles (Kingdom Hearts) would be in the #1 spot.

Where else can your childhood friend wield a dangerous golden key?
Seriously folks, I was totally normal semi-gamer until my time with Square's hybrid of children entertainment and Japanese RPG's; the aftermath of which left a fanboy waiting to bust of the publicly-acceptable closet. The sequel of this very title arrives in American stores March 28, 2005, after 3 months of racking up sales in the land of the rising sun (capatlize country nicknames at your own discression.) The thought of KH2 gets me excited, even moreso than this picture. KH2 is the second enstallment of the mismatched series, and has improved basically all faults that the inital adventure had, including:
1. Right Analog Stick=Camera (infamously strange lock-on/shoulder button control is gone)
2. Improved jumping (Imagine a leaping fat kid with a seagull up his rectum; now you understand the first half of KH1)
3. Some other things. New topic.
...was surprised by...
March Madness/Mania or other generic knock-offs that do not require copyrights. Basketball would probably be my favorite mainstream sport, although that's not saying much because it's the March (French for "basketball's month) and I reall didn't notice until a few minutes ago. In a last minute panic-
Brackets. You know, 65 teams, pick the winners, lose cash, etc.
Every year I have one or two (or 35) uneducated selections that makes my special tournament schedule either laughably wrong or right. In years past, hours were spent studying stats and patterns and uniforms and bands and history and hairstyles in an attempt to produce a stellar entry, with no avail besides "What the fuck I know more about basketball than you, how come your bracket is beating mine to a wet and soggy paulp?" But this is two-thousand-six! 15 over a 2? It's happening. Duke losing in the 3rd round? A sure call. Me winning a few bucks off this? Impossible. Next! still messing around with...
Nerf guns. Just when you thought I was finished with children artilery, a pair of new guns and another possible acquisition bring me crawling back to the foam firearms. Why? Shooting people is funner than killing them.

This is the N-Strike system whatever the fuck its called. It kicks too much ass, featuring a slick pistol, a air-powered dart shotgun and bitchin' bazooka, all for the nominal fee of $39.99. Got an annoyance? Missles solve all problems, right?
The best part of Nerf is the power that you don't hold in your hands. Even after severe modification, a bizarre occurance when the dart manages to penetrate the esophogus and makes the target choke is the only possible way that you'd be able to end a human's life with one of these toy guns, not that I have that planned out or anything. So you get all of war's benefits without all the dying and such. No topic!
Unfortunate headshot,
Brettzki, the banished mouseketeer
Kingdom Hearts II. Every person ever has a guilty pleasure, and for me it's causing myself pain, but if it wasn't that, then a video game where you play alongside and against wholesome Disney characters in epic and probably climatic battles (Kingdom Hearts) would be in the #1 spot.

Where else can your childhood friend wield a dangerous golden key?

Seriously folks, I was totally normal semi-gamer until my time with Square's hybrid of children entertainment and Japanese RPG's; the aftermath of which left a fanboy waiting to bust of the publicly-acceptable closet. The sequel of this very title arrives in American stores March 28, 2005, after 3 months of racking up sales in the land of the rising sun (capatlize country nicknames at your own discression.) The thought of KH2 gets me excited, even moreso than this picture. KH2 is the second enstallment of the mismatched series, and has improved basically all faults that the inital adventure had, including:
1. Right Analog Stick=Camera (infamously strange lock-on/shoulder button control is gone)
2. Improved jumping (Imagine a leaping fat kid with a seagull up his rectum; now you understand the first half of KH1)
3. Some other things. New topic.
...was surprised by...
March Madness/Mania or other generic knock-offs that do not require copyrights. Basketball would probably be my favorite mainstream sport, although that's not saying much because it's the March (French for "basketball's month) and I reall didn't notice until a few minutes ago. In a last minute panic-
Brackets. You know, 65 teams, pick the winners, lose cash, etc.
Every year I have one or two (or 35) uneducated selections that makes my special tournament schedule either laughably wrong or right. In years past, hours were spent studying stats and patterns and uniforms and bands and history and hairstyles in an attempt to produce a stellar entry, with no avail besides "What the fuck I know more about basketball than you, how come your bracket is beating mine to a wet and soggy paulp?" But this is two-thousand-six! 15 over a 2? It's happening. Duke losing in the 3rd round? A sure call. Me winning a few bucks off this? Impossible. Next! still messing around with...
Nerf guns. Just when you thought I was finished with children artilery, a pair of new guns and another possible acquisition bring me crawling back to the foam firearms. Why? Shooting people is funner than killing them.


This is the N-Strike system whatever the fuck its called. It kicks too much ass, featuring a slick pistol, a air-powered dart shotgun and bitchin' bazooka, all for the nominal fee of $39.99. Got an annoyance? Missles solve all problems, right?
The best part of Nerf is the power that you don't hold in your hands. Even after severe modification, a bizarre occurance when the dart manages to penetrate the esophogus and makes the target choke is the only possible way that you'd be able to end a human's life with one of these toy guns, not that I have that planned out or anything. So you get all of war's benefits without all the dying and such. No topic!
Unfortunate headshot,
Brettzki, the banished mouseketeer
Ouch, my eye.
Seriously, that is one big fucking gun... a bfg if you will.
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