Sunday, March 05, 2006

Everything's gonna be fine...right?

March 5, 2006. To the fortunate, March 5th is another day of toothsome weather or possibly the beginning of springlike conditions. However, to Minnesota and no doubtibly 67% of the midwest, it's a harsh reminder that winter still lingers in drifty conditions and the soul of every broken heart.

Winter sucks. It's novel for about a month or two and then it becomes more tiresome than playing on for 2 hours for the fact that you have nothing else better to do. Sure, there's plenty of fun to be had in the snowy hills and ice driveways. But last time I checked, no other season lasts any longer than 4 months. People say that November and March are spring and fall disrespectively, but they're just lying to you and all they really want is your money.

So I'm complaining (again) about something that has invulnerable power over me and all other related objects; it's nothing abnormal in the least. Entire websites are created for this purpose, and all I'm doing is "venting" because there hasn't been a post in about a month and my magnetic computer chair has a hold of my iron butt. Just as long as my rear has opposite charge, Jack High Fl...Blog will continue with mildly-distracting essays that may be confused with ballads.

I wish I could talk
Then ev'ryone could hear me
No more frustration
No more anger or self-doubt
Just audible words.

There is no other castle,


Blogger Manda said...

You write to write. That's right.

10:01 PM  

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