"Are you still there, Brett?" Josh asked.
"Yeah." :(
"Sorry, dude. (boss) told one of us to call and break the news to you.""I appreciate it," my sorrow maximized into anger. "Why couldn't you have called me sooner? I'm two hours away!"
"Sorry. I'd do it for you but I have church, sorry.""Thanks Josh, bye," with a pissed and perturbed tone that could make even the happiest puppies droopy.
"See ya."I look back and regret taking out my spontaneous frustration out on Josh. They could've just easily leave me uninformed as my "reserved" Wii was sold to a customer. Josh deserves a big hug and a medium pizza for being the messenger, even if it seemed like I did my best to end his life.
With my mind racing like Lightning McQueen in the Dinoco 400, I did the logical thing and called my mom.
Much like myself, Mom is passionate for uncommon interests (she's a nerd). She knew of my Wii-quest and its assumed happy ending on November 19th, 2006. She understood my situation better than anyone, including myself. She also agreed go to the store that morning and camp out for me, out of sure maternal awesomeness.
I began to wonder why my reservation was no longer legit or reserved. The 'unfair employee advantage' part is entirely understandable; Best Buy
Managers had to wait in line to ensure themselves a precious console. What gave any of us, Pamida
Customer Sales Associates the right to do such a thing?
But why the change? Had a corporate bigwig remind (boss) of a forgotten company policy? Had a large group of fanboys/PS3 rejects/parents call the store and inquire about the Wii? The right answer/question needed to be known.
But first, jazz music.

The professional-quality concert ended after Pamida closed for the night. I flipped my phone open and pressed "Contacts, five, down, down, down, down and down". My co-worker and fellow male teenager, Jared, answered.
"hey d00d. wutz up?"
"Yeah, Jared. Have you heard about the Wii yet?"
(note: the signal/diction was terrible, many huhs and whats were exchange. For the sake of length, I'll swipe them from the records.)
"ya. srry d00d."
"My mom is going to camp out for me, could you do me a favor?"
"k. (boss) sez dat all she has 2 do is bring ur emplo-E crd and get der a lil before 10. k?"
"Thanks, Jared. I owe you one."
"no prob"
Funnily enough, I was initiallly going to ask whether he could go and be Mom's body guard: Jared is a big kid and nobody in there right mind would fuck with his shit. Apparently, Mom could acquire the Wii with only minutes of waiting, they must've not expected much of a line. Mom can be unaccompanied AND unmugged!
Just to be safe, I asked Mom if she could get there at 8 (Pamida opens at 10) to make sure there was no need to be there any earlier; she obliged b/c shes t3h b357.
November 18th was hella polar. Once postiviely confident, I was now scared of the mysterious unknown outcome. Everything could be blown down by the damned wolf. Would my Wii actually get to me? Would someone else pose as an obsticle to my holy grail? What happend to Andre?
That night was a mixture of Christmas eve and the post-audition period. I was so anxious, I slept in the same futon as another male and supposedly touched the ass of another (thus breaking the 10th commandment).
Awake by 8, I reacquainted myself with the NES to keep my mind off of the other Nintendo console that was being born approximately 500,000 times that day.
My brother woke up and watched me play, I must've stirred him while turning the machine on. The golden LoZ still plays like it's deepest and RPG'est game in the land. The dungeons are still challenging and it's still hard to remember how to
My phone rang. It was Mom. It was only 9:00 CDT though, the store was closed along with its doors.
My mom wasn't the only one waiting in line. Her place in line was preceded only by a college student, Aaron, who she was having a great time bonding with. However, another man waited in his car, some 40 feet away from the entrance.
But hey! Two Wii's, and Mom is second in line/unharmed/having fun! We're gonna make it after all!

My jubilancy was equaled by her's. However, as a precaution, she asked if I could call Pamida (with my special privileges such as the phone number) and discover just where the Wii's were located.
A short convo with the shift leader, Mary (fairly new there), lead to this info:
"The Wii's will be at customer service."
I told Mary to watch for my Mom and Aaron, the first two in line who had been there since 8 and 6 am, respectively.
It was all working out! Now that Mom and her friend had the upperhand in both distance and knowledge, I was a shoe-in! This calls for some morning co-op!

***meanwhile at home***
Mom and Aaron continued to chat as 10:00 and Pamida's Wiis drew nearer. The kind female learned about the console while the college student described Nintendo's latest innovation to her, detail by excited detail. An hour earilier, they didn't know who the fuck each other were.
Aaron was baffled by the mother's eagerness; he never thought he'd share such a splendid conversation with a mom in a video game console waiting segment (or: launch line). They exchanged sentances and profile info, she even lent him a sleeping bag to warm himself up with.
The workers began to file in at 9:30. (nameless), (girl) and (lady) all had to summon someone to unlock the door for them in order to enter their workplace. Pamida didn't want the raging mob of crazed gamers to burst through the door.
They both anticipated gleefully. There was no hostility, no competition, no trampling or pistol-whipping. Just two human beings being human beings.
The world can be a beautiful place, can't it?
9:59:55, 9:59:56, 9:59:57.Dispite the frosty temperature, their heart tempo throttled to
Prestissimo. Mary stood on the inside, key in hand, ready to unlock the door to the next generation of electronic entertainment.
9:59:58, 9:59:59.
The dense bolt clicked. The path was now open.
Mom and Aaron skipped to customer service, a mere Shaq-arm's length from the entrance. Mary held a white box that featured shimmery potential and the letters "w" and "i". It was undoubtedly comparable to the birth of our savior or The Mystery of Al Capone's Vault.
Mary handed the carboard treasure to Mom like an allegoric exchange of greatness.
Mom looked down and happily asked, "Well, where's the other one?", referring to Aaron's empty mittens.
Mary's eyes sighed. She turned her left shoulder to reveal (nameless), the redneck grandma Customer Serivce Associate, placing the recipt in her pocket and grabbing the bag which held her newly-acquired Nintendo Wii.
Creamed fish hold the bottle caps,